Lesson Library
Entire Off2Class Lesson Library
A searchable spreadsheet of the complete Off2Class Lesson Library, with the lesson title, objective, and a link to access the materials. Download then save your own copy of the file.
Off2Class focuses on saving teachers time with high-quality curriculum and tools.
Here you can download a growing list of documents and spreadsheets to help you navigate our curriculum, lesson library and vocabulary lists and use them to map to your own standards, and ultimately select lessons that best meet the needs of your teachers and students.
Our commitment to high-quality curriculum and tools means we work with third-party research partners to prove the effectiveness of Off2Class. Below, you can find early results from those partnerships including our logic model. You can also find our equity statement, brochures and press releases, which articulate the values of our company.
When you click the download link, you can access these resources and save them on your computer.
Lesson Library
A searchable spreadsheet of the complete Off2Class Lesson Library, with the lesson title, objective, and a link to access the materials. Download then save your own copy of the file.
Step-by-Step Curriculum
A searchable spreadsheet of vocabulary for all 160 lessons in the Step-by-Step Business English Curriculum. Download then save your own copy of the file.
Step-by-Step Curriculum
A searchable spreadsheet containing Objectives and Can-do Statements for all 160 lessons in the Business English Curriculum. Download and save your own copy of the file.
General & Single-Skill Lessons
A searchable spreadsheet displaying the release schedule of upcoming lessons for 2024 including lesson objectives and Can-do statements. Download then save your own copy of the file.
General & Single-Skill Lessons
A searchable spreadsheet of the 700 Off2Class General and Single-Skill lessons, organized by category. Includes all lessons except the Step-by-Step Curriculum. Download then save your own copy of the file.
Step-by-Step Curriculum
A searchable spreadsheet containing Objectives and Can-do statements for all 288 lessons in the Step-by-Step Curriculum. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Brochures and Equity
What is Off2Class? A brochure document that explains what is included in the Off2Class Toolkit. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Brochures and Equity
¿Qué es Off2Class? Descubre más de Off2Class. Descargar y guardar este documento.
Brochures and Equity
An Equity Statement that described our commitment to providing quality ESL resources to teachers everywhere, regardless of location or employment status. Download and save your own copy of the file.
ESSA Logic Model
An independent report that describes the background of the Off2Class Logic Model and our alignment with the Every Student Succeeds Act. Download and save your own copy of the file.
ESSA Logic Model
A Logic Model that provides a program roadmap of Off2Class, detailing program inputs, participants reached program activities, outputs, and outcomes. Download and save your own copy of the file.
K12 Funding Support
A funding support document for PreK-12. Use this document to guide you on your grant funding applications. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Research and Reports
A report by the British Educational Suppliers Association and Educate Ventures Research as an example of best practice in evidence-based edtech. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Research and Reports
A report on how Off2Class works with international partners to address the global shortage of teachers and deliver English for all. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Research and Reports
A report on how Off2Class works with school districts to save teacher time and tackle disrupted learning. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Research and Reports
A report on how Off2Class saves teachers time so they can focus on their students. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Research and Reports
A 2-page report that describes the Off2Class Method and how it impacts ESL teachers. Download and save your own copy of the file.
Press Release
West Aurora School District 129 in Illinois implements virtual high-impact tutoring solution to support ELs. Click Download to view the press release.