Phrasal Verbs – Teaching Strategies and Demo

Welcome to our “Phrasal Verbs – Teaching Strategies and Demonstration” Webinar!

This Phrasal Verbs webinar was shot on Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 at 7:30pm (EST/NYC time). This was our first Webinar focusing on Phrasal Verbs and the session went over very well.
In this video, James Heywood  provides instruction for teachers to approach teaching multiword or phrasal verbs in the ESL context, for both online and in-person classes.
At the end of the webinar (from 49:00 onward), we have included segments of a live recorded (online) lesson with a young ESL student which shows teaching phrasal verbs in a real online teaching environment. Feel free to share this video with colleagues and friends!

James is an online ESL teacher and co-founder of Off2Class. He has a background in language and linguistics and has logged over 4500 hours of online ESL tutoring in the last 3 years. You can read more about him here. He is head of content creation at Off2Class and has recently released our Phrasal Verbs category, which includes 32 lessons designed to get you teaching Phrasal Verbs to your ESL students. You can read more about our Phrasal Verbs series here.
Like us on Facebook to be the first to know of our next webinars! Registration is on a first come first served basis!

As always, whether you attended the webinar or not, let us know if you’ve got any feedback! We would love to hear from anyone thinking of (or already) teaching Phrasal Verbs to their ESL students!


  • Shasha says:

    June 29, 2015 at 12:00 am

    Hi James & Kris,
    The webinar was educational and I personally benefited from the session.
    Hope to see more webinars on different ESL topics.

    • James Heywood (Off2Class) says:

      June 29, 2015 at 12:55 am

      Hi Shasha,
      Thank you for taking the time to stop by and give us such positive feedbacks.
      I’m thinking about delivering a webinar on Teaching Passive Constructions. What do you think?
      Best wishes,

  • Gertrude says:

    February 4, 2016 at 2:47 pm

    This webinar has really opened my eyes on the appropriate approach to the teaching of phrasal verbs which is really a difficult topic with many students .In the Malawian examination syllabus students are supposed to choose a correct phrasal verb and it becomes difficult if the lesson presentations were not comprehensive and lacked the elements discussed here

    • James Heywood (Off2Class) says:

      February 4, 2016 at 6:47 pm

      Hi Gertrude,
      Thanks for your feedback.
      I’ve long understood that Phrasal Verbs cannot be learned by adult student unless the correct grammar is incorporated into lessons. This area is just too complex and students really need an apopriate understanding of certain grammar points in order to utilise Phrasal and Multiword Verbs correctly, and in a natural way.
      Best wishes,

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