Free Reading Lesson Plan PDF for Newcomers

“Family and Friends” is a free reading lesson plan pdf designed for newcomers. Scroll down to find out what to expect from this lesson and how to teach it virtually or in person!

More about this reading lesson plan PDF

Family and Friends (WIDA: Entering) is a reading lesson plan download aimed at newcomer students with low English proficiency levels. It is perfect for both individuals and groups. Students will read a text about family, and practice reading for general understanding, specific information, and deeper understanding. At the end of the lesson, students can apply different reading strategies and respond to the content of a text about family.

Note: This may be a sensitive topic for some students. Review the lesson content carefully before teaching and adapt where necessary.

How should you teach this lesson?

This reading lesson plan calls on students to read and discuss various sentences and texts related to family. When doing so, remember to provide example responses as required. The images will help provide further context cues.

This lesson also includes many read and answer and read and match tasks, which will help students practice different reading strategies.

Students will read about the fictional Smith, Lamont, and Yang families, as well as about families from around the world.

You can download the lesson plan here:


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