How to Teach Vowels – Complex Vowels

This free foundational literacy lesson for Secondary ELs introduces complex vowels (diphthongs, r-controlled). It is one of many free lessons within the Off2Class Foundational Literacy Curriculum.

We’ve made these lessons free and downloadable because literacy has rightfully made its way to the top of many district strategic priority lists, and literacy gaps are often present across several secondary EL student populations. Many districts face challenges when addressing literacy gaps with secondary ELs because most existing interventions are designed for younger learners and native English speakers. Off2Class offers an age-appropriate scope and sequence designed to address the literacy gaps that might be present in any subset of the secondary EL population. Addressing these gaps targets a key blocker that is often limiting a learner’s English proficiency gains.

When should you teach this free foundational literacy lesson on complex vowels?

Lessons like this one that introduce complex vowels (diphthongs, r-controlled) are designed specifically for secondary ELs. They are not adapted from something that’s focused on younger learners or native speakers. They are aligned with the Science of Reading and they work for any students who need to build literacy, but are especially helpful for newcomers, Long-term ELs, and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE).

LS.1.2: Complex Vowels (WIDA: Pre-Entering)

Introduce complex vowels (diphthongs, r-controlled). At the end of the lesson on literacy, students can distinguish complex vowels and produce an anchor word for each. 

Helpful note: This lesson is most effective with plenty of phoneme models from the teacher.

Download the lesson here:


Looking for more lessons on how to teach vowels?

Did you enjoy this lesson on how to teach complex vowels? If so, you may also be interested in the corresponding simple vowels lesson plan.

Also, 24+ free foundational literacy lessons are available when you sign up for a free Off2Class account. We designed these lesson plans to help save you time. Along with the free lessons, we also offer a wide selection of other resources, training, and content to help you succeed.

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