Helping Newcomer students succeed in the classroom

How can we help Newcomers succeed in the classroom? “In Class” is a free ESL speaking lesson that introduces Newcomers to objects and actions in the classroom. Keep reading to find out what to expect from this lesson and how to teach it virtually or in person!

Remember: A newcomer is a student born outside the U.S. who has been in U.S. schools for less than three years (total time, not necessarily consecutive years). Newcomers are incredibly diverse, with students coming from various countries, speaking many different languages, and having a wide range of educational experiences prior to arriving in the U.S. Some Newcomers are well-educated and literate in their L1 – home language.  Others may not have attended school regularly or at all in their home country.

When should you teach this ESL lesson designed to help Newcomer students succeed in the classroom?

“In Class” (WIDA: Pre-Entering) is a lesson plan download aimed at newcomer students with low English proficiency levels. It is perfect for both individuals and groups. Use this lesson to introduce simple classroom vocabulary and provide speaking practice for your students. At the end of the lesson, students will understand common objects in a classroom, the language used by teachers, and the actions in the classroom environment.

How should you teach this ESL lesson designed to help Newcomer students succeed in the classroom?

Newcomers have limited language to understand instructions, so we recommend drilling and repetition of tasks to help them succeed in the classroom. Students will also benefit from returning to previous slides to consolidate their learning.

All the vocabulary introduced in this lesson are related to classroom objects: monitor, board, clock, chair, desk, backpack, pen, notebook… When introducing these phrases, remember to refer to the related images to provide context clues.

This lesson also introduces Newcomers to common verbs, often used in the imperative, to help them succeed. Some examples are: listen to me, say your name, write the answer, read the text.

Finally, this lesson includes plenty of gapfill exercises and read and repeats to help students practice.

You can download the lesson plan here:


If you are looking for even more information on how to teach this lesson plan, be sure to download a free Off2Class account. You will gain access to teacher notes that will guide and prepare you. 

Don’t forget about our free lessons!

If you enjoyed these ESL lesson plan downloads, there are 150+ more available here. The lesson plans are designed to save you time.

We know teaching Newcomers can be tricky. Therefore, we also offer a wide selection of other resources, training, and content to help you succeed. You can sign up for a free account to access these resources!

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