A Free ESL Lesson Plan on Cinema

Here at Off2Class, we are all so excited to be sharing this free speaking lesson on cinema with you! We think the world of cinema is exciting and enticing, and so we wanted you to be able to talk about it with your students. Just scroll down and the lesson plan download is waiting for you. Also, keep reading to find out more about what to expect in this lesson plan on cinema and some helpful tips on how to teach it. 

When to teach this lesson plan

If you are looking for a speaking lesson to use with intermediate-level students, then this is a perfect lesson to use. This lesson plan on cinema is designed to use with students that are looking to increase their fluency in speaking English. This lesson should not be used to teach beginner-level students that are still learning to form basic sentences in English.

What does this lesson plan on cinema include? 

This lesson plan does not include a reading activity. Rather, it it designed to help introduce students to cinema-related vocabulary words. This lesson includes several speaking prompts and questions to help students engage in useful and interesting conversation. These questions allow students to share information about themselves. In addition, this lesson plan on cinema includes several images, quotes, matching activities and new vocabulary words. The lesson ends with a fun activity where students prepare nominations (in the style of the Academy Awards)  for different categories of films. 

You can download the lesson plan below:

How to teach this lesson

One of the most important things to remember when teaching this lesson is that students come from different cultural backgrounds. With this, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with your students’ cultural background along with the lesson content to ensure that lesson material is not offensive or inappropriate. Also, remember to ask follow-up questions as needed. This lesson plan on cinema provides a lot of room for students to share their opinions and it is up to you to make sure they feel comfortable doing so. 

If you are looking for even more information on how to teach this lesson plan on cinema, be sure to download a free Off2Class account. You will gain access to teacher notes that will guide and prepare you. Also, if you are looking for even more free lesson downloads, check them out here. Here at Off2Class, we are looking to make the lives of teachers easier. So, let us know how we can help in the comments below. Also, let us know what your favorite movie is in the comments. Happy teaching! 


  • najwa says:

    November 29, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Thank you so much, for making the life and job more easier and fun.

    • Christine Chan says:

      November 30, 2022 at 2:17 pm

      Thanks Najwa — we’re so glad you’re enjoying the lesson plans!

  • Eliana Hernández says:

    October 18, 2024 at 6:32 pm

    very good

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