Reading Test Prep Lesson – Introduction to Reading

We’re excited to share this free reading test prep lesson, designed to help students prepare for state language proficiency assessments. Check out the corresponding listening, speaking, and writing test prep lessons in our lesson library with a free Off2Class account!

More about this reading test prep lesson

“Introduction to Reading,” the first of six reading-focused test prep lessons, introduces students to the general format of a Reading proficiency test using a variety of practice texts and question types. It includes built-in differentiation for mixed-level classes, real-world academic texts across content areas, and detailed teacher notes to minimize prep time.

“Introduction to Reading” is ideal for all students who are preparing to take state language proficiency assessments. This includes Long-term ELs, Newcomers, and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE).

You can download the lesson plan here!


If you are looking for even more information on how to teach this lesson plan, be sure to sign up for a free Off2Class account. You will gain access to teacher notes that will guide and prepare you. 

Don’t forget about our other test prep lessons!

If you enjoyed this free lesson plan download, there are more available here. The lesson plans are designed to save you time.

We know preparing for state language proficiency assessments can be tricky. Therefore, we also offer a wide selection of other resources, training, and content to help you succeed. You can sign up for a free account to access more resources (as well as the corresponding listening, speaking, and writing test prep lessons)!


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